
Alcohol and Drug Misuse

If you are struggling with alcohol or drug use then you can self refer to Stockport Triage Assessment Referral Team (START Stockport).

Asthma Clinic

This clinic not only helps to diagnose and treat asthma but we will also help you understand any triggers for asthma, which inhalers are best to treat asthma and how to use your inhaler.

Blood Pressure Clinic

Our blood pressure clinics monitor and treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering bloods pressure can help risk of different complications and we help you lower your blood pressure by medication, excercise and dietry modification. 

Child immunisation/Health surveillance

You will receive 1st appointment for your baby healthcheck at 6-8 weeks of age,this appointment will also include baby weight checking and baby vaccinations.

This and further appointment will cover vaccinations for rotavirus, meningitis B, "6-in-1 vaccine" (protects against diphtheria, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, polio, tetanus, whooping cough), pneumoccocus and flu. 

COPD / Emphysema clinic

COPD clinics can not only help diagnose and treat this condition but also offer a range of inhalers used to treat COPD. We can also refer you for smoking cessation services to help you quit smoking. 

Cryotherapy Clinic

We offer this treatment where liquid nitrogen is used to remove lesions such as skin tags, warts and veruccas.

Diabetes Clinic

Our Diabetes clinics use a combination of diabetes diet, exercise and medication to help you manage your diabetes. We also do blood tests and urine tests to check cholesterol level and kidney health.

Eye Health

The Stockport Minor Eye Conditions’ Service provides assessment and treatment for people with recently occurring minor eye conditions.

The service is provided by MECS accredited optometrists (also known as opticians) across Stockport who have specialist knowledge, training and skills.

Minor eye conditions that can be treated by the service include:

  • Red eye or eyelids
  • Dry eye gritty and uncomfortable eyes
  • Irritation and inflammation of the eye
  • Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
  • Recently occurring flashes and floaters
  • Painful eye
  • Ingrowing eyelashes
  • Recent and sudden loss of vision
  • Foreign body in the eye
Minor Surgery

We offer minor surgery service to help remove warts, skin tags and sebaceous cysts. Local anaestheic is used to numb the area before the surgery is performed.  

NHS Healthcheck

We offer NHS healthchecks to any one aged 40 to 74 years. These checks can be booked to anyone who does not already have one of the conditions below: 

Atrial fibrillation
Chronic kidney disease (formally known as Chronic renal failure)
Statin prescription (current)
Heart disease (Cardiovascular disease) for example Angina or Heart attack
Heart failure
High blood pressure 
Inherited high cholesterol (Familial hypercholesterolemia)
Peripheral arterial disease (Peripheral vascular disease)
High risk of cardiovascular disease (20% or more risk over the next 20 years)
Stroke (Cerebrovascular disease)
Transient ischaemic attack (Mini-stroke)

We routinely invite for these checks. If you feels that you qualify for this health check then please Contact Us.



We have in-house physiotherapy service available. The physiotherapist can help diagnose and treat different conditions such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee or hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and sciatica.

Sexual Health Check

You can have confidential Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) check up by contacting "RU clear" or you can find an STD clinic near you. You can get tested for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, HIV, genital warts or genital herpes.



Vasectomy is a form of birth control for men, usually performed under local anaesthetic, and you can be referred for this after assessment by a clinician. 

Women's Health

We provide a range of services for womens' health including Antenatal clinic, Cervical smear, Contracetpion services, Pregnancy testing, Post natal clinics, Termination of pregnancy services and menopause care.


Antenatal care - These provide patient centred pregnancy care and ensure that both the maternal health and the baby health are looked after. We will take your baby delivery preferences in consideration. You can book an appointment as soon as you know that you are pregnant. It is important to book appointment as soon as possible because some antenatal screening tests such as sickle cell and thalassaemia should be done before 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Cervical smear - We offer cervical screening (previously called smear test) which is a test to help prevent cervical cancer.

Contracetpion services - We offer provide a range of contraception choices including combined contraceptive pill, mini pill, contraception patch and contraception injections. If suitable, then you can also be referred for contraceptive implant, copper coil or Mirena coil. We also offer pill to stop periods.

Pregnancy testing - We offer pregnancy tests. If you have carried out a pregnancy test and are unsure if you are pregnant then please contact us.

Post natal clinics - You do not need to make appointment for post-natal clinics but will be invited for these.

Termination of pregnancy / Abortion services - We respect your right to choose how you wish your pregnancy to progress. If you do not wish to carry on with your pregnancy then you do not need an appointment with us but you can self refer for termination of pregnancy / abortion services.   

Menopause care - Menopause is a natural part of womens' life but it can ruin quality of life. We provide personalised and comprehensive menopause care that takes into account your personal choices and preferences.