

How do I...Book an appointment for sexual health screening?

Patients wanting a sexual health screening should request an appointment with a GP to discuss this –  reception can complete the form on patient’s behalf where necessary.

Patients can also self-refer to the Locala Sexual Health Service for sexual health screening.



How do I...Book a smear test?

Smears can only be done where are patient is eligible for one and has been invited. 

If you have recieved your invite, book your appointment via Patient Access or contact reception 0161 983 9730

If you think you are due your smear test contact reception 0161 983 97 30



How do I...Book a mammogram?

Women are eligible for screening every 3 years from age 51-70 - women are invited for mammograms via the screening service.

If you have missed your appointment you can rearrange this by calling by calling 01625 661157. You can find further information or refer yourself for screening here.